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Ruth Bass

RLT Endorses Zoning Amendment

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

We, the Board of Directors of the Richmond Land Trust, endorse the Planning Board’s proposed amendment to the town’s zoning bylaw that will allow landowners of conservation land or open space to permit access to their property for passive, low-impact recreational use by right.

The policy of the Richmond Land Trust has been to open our properties to the public. We support free access to our open land, which we have worked so hard to preserve for conservation and recreational purposes.

Christopher L. Magee, President, Richmond Land Trust

Resolution passed on March 15, 2022



The town’s zoning enforcement officer, in response to a complaint, found no violation in BNRC’s use of Hollow Fields. However, the Zoning Board of Appeals overturned its zoning enforcement officer’s finding by ruling that recreation is not a permitted use under the town’s existing zoning bylaw. This action led the Planning Board to study the issue and draft an amendment that will be voted on at the May 18 Annual Town Meeting. Under the Planning Board’s amended bylaws, special events will still require a permit issued by the Board of Selectmen. Essentially, the amendment returns to what had been assumed to be acceptable use of conservation land and open space prior to the ZBA’s June 2021 ruling. A two-thirds majority vote at Annual Town Meeting is required to pass the amendment.

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